Why the EU Cyber Resilience Act is a Big Deal – Part 2
This post is the second part of a series of three blog posts, where we discuss the impacts of the new EU Cyber Resilience Act (CRA) and compare it briefly to the industrial cybersecurity standard IEC 62443. If you haven't read Part 1 of the series yet, then you can...
Why the EU Cyber Resilience Act is a Big Deal – Part 1
This post is the first part of a series of three blog posts, where we will discuss the impacts of EU's new Cyber Resilience Act from the point of view of product development teams and cybersecurity practitioners. This first part introduces the act and focuses on its direct consequences.
One size doesn’t fit all – even in security awareness
I have known most of my life that our learning styles can be different and some like to spend their time on lectures, whereas some might rather read a book. And others just want to try it out in their own way. This undermines the premise that giving standard...
NIS2 is coming – the best time to start preparations is now
NIS2 is the new EU wide legislation on measure for high common level of cybersecurity across the EU. It applies to wide range of industries and requires organisations to adopt cybersecurity risk management approach that prevents or minimises the impact of incidents on operations, continuity of operations, recipients of services and other services.
Finnish Society of Automation webinar 24 Oct 2023
The rest of the article is in Finnish, as is the webinar itself. Cyberismon Henry Haverinen oli mukana Suomen Automaatioseuran kyberturvallisuusaiheisessa webinaarissa 24.10.2023. Webinaari pidettiin suomeksi, ja mukana olivat myös Teemu Väisänen...
Why bring in problems when you can be the solution – turning security monologue into Security Dialogue
In an era of increasingly sophisticated phishing campaigns, security awareness is becoming crucial. Security practitioners are putting effort into creating impressive presentations and e-learning experiences with interaction to tackle this problem. However, many...