Customer story, Cybersecurity, ISMS, NIS2

At Metso, cybersecurity is everyone’s responsibility – from top management to employees and partners

The cybersecurity threat landscape has grown more severe, leading industrial customers to impose increasingly stringent cybersecurity requirements on their suppliers. Additionally, the new European cybersecurity legislation, driven by the NIS2 directive, now mandates that manufacturing companies ensure proper cybersecurity management. 

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NIS2 puts cybersecurity to the top management agenda 

We introduced the EU NIS2 directive in our previous NIS2 blog post. The deadline when NIS2 requirements will start to apply is approaching soon, so most impacted organisations are probably well on their way to being compliant. However, the improved level of...

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Cybersecurity, NIS2

NIS2 is coming – the best time to start preparations is now

NIS2 is the new EU wide legislation on measure for high common level of cybersecurity across the EU. It applies to wide range of industries and requires organisations to adopt cybersecurity risk management approach that prevents or minimises the impact of incidents on operations, continuity of operations, recipients of services and other services.

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